Sunday, July 25, 2010


I read this term in a health magazine this morning. Research claims that people with clean homes have better health. People who keep clean homes also tend to take much better care of themselves through physical exercise or simply because household chores keep them on their toes. This is because they are "Self-Regulated".

Me being me, googled the term to see what I'd find.
First link (ofcourse)
Here is the crux of the matter.
 "three important characteristics of self-regulated learning:
      • self-observation (monitoring one's activities);
      • self-judgment (self-evaluation of one's performance) and
      • self-reactions (reactions to performance outcomes).
                           To the extent that one accurately reflects on his or her progress toward a learning goal, and appropriately adjusts his or her actions to maximize performance, he or she has effectively self-regulated."
Link 2: (a mild digression in content)
An expanded definition:
"A review of self-regulation examined basic volitional factors of goal setting, self-monitoring, activation and use of goals, discrepancy detection and implementation, self-evaluation, self-consequation, self-efficacy, meta-skills, boundary conditions, and self-regulation failure that revealed self-monitoring as fundamental to self-regulation."


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