Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bargain Books. Joy!

Yesterday, I went to my favorite book store to eat my favorite Khatti Roll. Yes it is true, I go to bookshops to eat! To my mild surprise, it is Sale time!! Don't we all love buying books at bargain price!

So I picked up three books.
1. Giving - Bill Clinton
2. Billions of Entrepreneurs - Tarun Khanna
3. India: Land Policies for Growth and Poverty Reduction - The World Bank.
.. all at 50% off. 

Somehow I thought Bill Clinton's book at a discounted ` 370 was still expensive (because of its very dirty cover). That was till I actually started to read the book.

For the its Inspirational Value and (Wealthy) Information Content, the book is worth every minute of your time and every ` of your money. Though I'm still mid-way through the book, a big thumbs up from me. A must read for anyone with a big heart.
More about it when I finishing reading it.

ps: Here is where the new Rupee font is available for downloading.

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